Integration Interfaces

This page contains details regarding all the various ways to integrate Kudzu Analytics to your existing deployment.

Kudzu Analytics offers various ways to integrate depending on your backend LoRaWAN server and your gateway configuration. Multiple integrations can be active on your network configuration. This allows for complicated deployments to be fully monitored under the same network.

The core of Kudzu Analytics is all about metadata and it is agnostic of your backend services or even your gateway configuration.

Getting metadata from your backend server

Kudzu Analytics, allows you to integrate data from different backend services such as The Things Stack, Chirpstack or even custom private hosted LoRaWAN servers. If your backend provides an end point to gateway and application metadata, most probably, we have already integrated it! If you are hosting a private version of a custom backend server, contact us and we can plan an integration.

Getting metadata from your gateways

Kudzu Analytics is agnostic to your gateway and gateway configuration. Whether you are using a full blown industrial Basic Station gateway or your own custom-made DIY gateway, there is an easy way to get your metadata to Kudzu Analytics Even if your deployment is made of a mixture of different types of gateways Kudzu Analytics allows you to integrate all of those gateways without woring about which method they use to forward data to your backend.

Future integrations and support

LoRaWAN is on a transition phase where multiple gateway configurations are being used to forward data. While Basic Station is on its way to change this, Kudzu Technologies is on a mission to support all possible ways of forwarding data to your backend services.

Types of Interfaces

The Things Stack Event API

As of V3, The Things Stack provides an event based API to directly get metadata from your TTS LNS. If your network uses TTS LNS then this is the most effective way of integrating with Kudzu Analytics. This method requires no change in your gateways.

Semtech Proxy

If your LNS backend supports UDP Semtech Packet Forwarder, then this integration is the way to go. Semtech Proxy is a lightweight proxy service which blindly forwards messages to and from your LNS server. Kudzu Technologies generates a new proxy for each of your integration. You can even run your own proxy service on your premises in any type of compatible device, from cloud servers to Raspberry Pi or any compatible embedded device. Using this integration requires minimal changes in your gateways as you will need to point your gateways to your Semtech Proxy forwarder instead of your LNS. If your deployment requires a different Semtech Proxy configuration, contact us and we will be happy to support you.

Kudzu Analytics Gateway