Semtech UDP Proxy

You can easily integrate with our annalytics platform if your deployment is already using a Semtech packet forwarder. If you are using The Things Stack (version 2) your server already spports this kind of deployment.

If you are using The Things Network (TTN) or The Things Industries (TTI) version 3 cluster, we are recommending to use The Things Stack Event API integration.

The Semtech Proxy is lightweight proxy service which blindly forwards traffic to and from your backend server while extracting metadata and forwarding those to Kudzu Analytics platform. To make use of this integration you will need to point your gateways to the Kudzu Proxy service.

Configure the integration

First you will need to configure the integration. When this is done, you can start reconfiguring your gateways accordingly.

  • Proxy to: is the default router address.
  • Up port: this is the default port to forward uplink traffic. You can use the default TTN uplink port 1700
  • Down port: this is the default port to forward uplink traffic. You can use the default TTN downlink port 1700


Set up your gateways

If you are using a commercial gateway with an embedded user interface you can probably change your forwarding server address to and restart your packet forwarder service. In this case, you are ready to go and you can skip the following steps.

If your gateway does not offer the choise to change your packer forwarder server address follow the next steps.

1. Locate your local_conf.json configuration file.
2. Change your server address to
"gateway_conf": {
  "gateway_ID": "<Gateway EUI>",
  "server_address": "",
3. Restart your packet forwarder service.

You are done!